Spot Only – Spot-Stains Removing
What is Spot Only? or Stain Removing?

Spotting Chemicals
You just received the wedding gown from the store, or from a friend, or you got it in the mail and you find that the whole gown is fine but there are some stains or spots at bottom, or in the front that are quite noticeable and you would like them to be removed. We call them as “Spotting” or spot only meaning removing that particular stain or stains.
When we get the gown from you, we review the stains and just treat that particular area and remove the stain or stains/spots. In most cases, it is possible to remove it but sometimes it may be difficult due to its age or the type of stain that has settled in. It is particularly difficult on silk or colored materials. However, we need to give it a try by testing one section.
Call us for more information 407-277-3335 or 1-844-277-3377.
How to remove blood stains?
Blood stains are difficult to remove. If it is fresh, then removing may be easy. But if few days and months have passed, it becomes really difficult to remove.
You are going to need hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, water, heat, fresh water, towels and a brush.
Apply the hydrogen peroxide first. You would see some bubbling of the stain. Then apply some ammonia. Be careful not to breath in the smell. It is very strong, so work in an open area. Take the brush and scrub it gently on the stain and if necessary scrub with the plastic side (other side of the brush) to apply some pressure and gently scrubbing the stain. Let the stain sit with the solution for some time. If necessary, apply some warm water to speed up the process.
Keep working until the stain is gone. Spray fresh water and dry it out with the towel and let it air dry. If necessary reach out to us and we may be able to assist you.
Call us for more information 407-277-3335 or 1-844-277-3377.

Spotting Chemicals